::Literate Blather::
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
Defining Decades

Happy New Year from DaRK PaRTY. As we start 2007, we thought it might be a challenge to look back at the last six decades to identify the musician, film, book, television show, and celebrity who defined that decade. We're not looking for the "best" of the decade, but a celebrity or piece of art that identifies completely with its time.

So, for example, one can argue that the Beatles were the "best" musicians of the 1960s, but DaRK PaRTY would argue that the Beatles transcended their decade and that the Doors are actually more representative of the time.

But lists are made for arguing and debating. So we give you our list of the people and productions that defined their decades:

Musician: Elvis Presley
Movie: “12 Angry Men”
Book: “Peyton Place” by Grace Metalious
TV Show: “I Love Lucy”

Celebrity: Elvis

Musician: The Doors
Movie: “The Graduate”
Book: “To Kill a Mockingbird” by Harper Lee
TV Show: “The Andy Griffith Show”
Celebrity: Twiggy

Musician: Led Zeppelin
Movie: “Rocky”
Book: “Roots” by Alex Haley
TV Show: “All in the Family”

Celebrity: Cher

Musician: Michael Jackson
Movie: “Raiders of the Lost Ark”
Book: “It” by Stephen King
TV Show: “Cheers”
Celebrity: Madonna

Musician: Nirvana
Movie: "Pulp Fiction"
Book: “The Bridges of Madison County” by Robert James Waller
TV Show: “The Simpsons”
Celebrity: Oprah

Musician: Eminem
Movie: The Lord of the Rings (trilogy)
Book: “Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince” by J.K. Rowling
TV Show: “Survivor”
Celebrity: Paris Hilton

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Anonymous Anonymous said...
The 60s - THE DOORS?!?!?!?


Blogger GFS3 said...
I think you missed the intro paragraph which stated the Beatles transcended their decade. They were bigger than just the sixties. That's why we selected the Doors.

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