(Culling the very best from the DaRK PaRTY NeTWORK) - Congratulations are in order for Duane Swierczynski over at the “Secret Dead Blog.” His fast-paced, ultra-gore thriller “Severance Package” has been optioned out as a movie with Lionsgate Films. He gives out the cool details here. We read the book and found it a blast – perfect for a high-octane action flick. Can’t wait to buy the movie tix (and a big bag of popcorn).
- SQT over at Fantasy & Sci-Fi Lovin’ Blog admits she has an Olympic problem. Dark Orpheus at “Orpheus Sing the Guitar Electric” is watching the games because of Dara Torres. Who can blame her for that?
- J. Robert Lennon writes insightful observations about writing and reading over at Ward Six (a blog you should be reading). This post on Magic-Realist fiction is a beautiful case in point.
- Sam Houston at “Book Chase” got that fuzzy, honey-warm feeling about Zoe Ferraris’ “Finding Nouf.” He gets it just right with this: “Have you ever run across book, one that you had not known even existed, but knew from the instant you picked it up that you had to read it, and read it soon?” Hell, yes, Sam, it’s why I read!
- Is there any book review site more addictive than “Bookgasm?” If so please send me the URL.
- “Flickhead” has always been one of my favorite movie blogs – but then Flick went and quick and wrote a goodbye post and blah, blah, blah. Well, it looks like the bastard is back. Thank Thor!
- “Lost in the Frame” didn’t like the movie “Enchanted.” I agree wholeheartedly in the description of this overrated pap “as pleasing and colorful as a wad of sticky candy.”
- Joe Valdez at This Distracted Globe writes reviews about movies that I watch. Sometimes I think he must be looking into my living room window because I just rented “Valley Girl” out of the blue and the crazy nutter actually just posted a review on it. How is that possible? Joe? Joe?
(Would you like to be a hit at parties? Then you should be part of the DaRK PaRTY NeTWORK -- where dreams come true! If you scribble nonsense about culture, literature, books, movies, poetry, music or writing then why not exchange links with us? We don’t bite and we’re relatively clean on non-weekend days. Drop us a note at darkpartyreview(AT)gmail(DOT)com or leave us a comment.)
Labels: Dark Party, links, Magical Mystery Tour
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btw. Small Crimes is out in the US Oct. 1, and just got a starred review in PW, along with a ridiculously flattering comparison to the best of James Ellroy.
That's great news, Dave.