::Literate Blather::
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Poem: Spanish Poetry

By Kara Emily Krantz

if i read you
pablo neruda
with faux spanish lilts
will you smile at me

listen to the inflections
in my voice
until we fall asleep
in a blanket
of momentos silenciosos.

if i read you
spanish poetry
will you

remind me of kindness
with your warm
liquid eyes.
i barely comprehend
all the parts of you
i recognize.

if i sing you
pablo neruda
to the sounds of
your guitar
are we sharing music
or poetry
or perhaps
it is

how your silent moments
awaken such sweet
in me.

(This is the second poem by Kara Emily Krantz featured at DaRK PaRTY. Kara is a graduate student studying counseling psychology who lives in Central Massachusetts. You can read more of her verse at the Writer’s Café.)

Read Kara's poem "meanwhile i keep dancing" here

Read our musings on poetry and the first snow of the season here

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