::Literate Blather::
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Poem: The Last Visible Dog
By: Rebecca Traquair

“I am not a number. I am a free man.”

There are sparrows, and there are canaries
But any bird can have its wings clipped, and
Any bird can fall

Define your humanity. Leave out race, gender, age, orientation, belief, title, citizenship, economic status, the colour of your hair…
Are you in, or are you out?

It’s educational
A to Z. Auschwitz to Alcatraz.
Places to examine, imagine, even be overwhelmed, overcome
But an outsider can never really understand
You can go home again
You can walk away

Some things will always be beyond our grasp
Like the names of all who died in those camps
We turn it into museum and monument
Lest we forget

A prison can become a tourist attraction
Small comfort to more than two million people in America today
But interesting, curious, something to think on
For those with the luxury of contemplation

Freedom is abstract… like love, peace, happiness
Prison is concrete…
Concrete and steel bars and the slow leak of lost hope
Yet, infinity defines them both
What comes after
What’s inside

Released to a new life sentence of uncertain prospects
Freedom is only as big as the cage built around your heart

Read Rebbecca's poem "The Internet Is For Porn"

(Regular DaRK PaRTY Contributor Rebecca Traquair is a poet living in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Besides a love of words, she also has an addiction to computer games -- especially games with swords and dragons.)

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