By Alexis Ryan
and you look at me...asi am yours.your love.your light.your sunshine in early morning.your first cup of tea.i am.your enemy.your engagement.your sovereign circle.i am.your voluptuous toy,with wide hips andan exaggerated bosom...yeah.my bosom is perfect.this, i know.i am.your sex addict.as i am addicted to you.and yours. so sweet.i am.your wife. and as a wife should be,the mother of your children.your mistress. too.i am.your needs...yourexasperated desires ofwantsof nothingness...and everythingness...and partnershipness...whatever you call it.i am.your best friend.your drinking buddyon saturday night,at the irish pubon the corner...your buddy.with sweet, sweetsucculent lips,engorged with bloodand energyand sexand loveand...and...you love me.asi am.your everything.yeah.this, i know.now.(Alexis Ryan grew up in the mountains of Colorado, and now resides in the windy city of the midwest. Which she hates. She studies psychology, smokes and drinks too much. And occasionally writes. She claims to be complicatedly passionate and irrationale. "I drink coffee every morning and and wine every night. And I dream. About stuff.")Labels: Alexis Ryan, Poem
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